Monday, April 27, 2009

latest of what i am

I though of not sleeping today. I would stay awake all night to surf and study ASP.NET rather than being awake for more than 24 hours. My new work will be in the evening and have'nt tried this one before. I will be in the office 7:30pm or 8pm because my call time is 9pm then stay till 6am. it's my first day or should i say my first night shift. first day in the company working as a proby for 3 months. i wonder what will i do later in the office. i have not been informed on the company rules and regulations yet and the thing that i did that was connected to my new company were took the examination, interviewed then signed my contract. well it's a call center company, a contact solution company. i am assigned as an application developer. i am excited to work at night and to experience my friends environment, well most of them are working in call centers as agent so they are oblige to stay at night and work, the difference is that i am an application developer.